Meet Anirban, GigCX Expert for Xbox

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Ever wondered just how our Experts gig? You’ve come to the right place.

In this series, we go behind the scenes with our Experts from across the globe to uncover the inside scoop of their day-to-day experiences, what they like about their role, how they spend their earnings, and much more.

This month, we spoke to Anirban from India about his experience as an Xbox Expert. Let’s hear what he had to say.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m a professional trainer and I come from India. I am a firm believer in the saying "If you lose health, you lose everything." Maintaining your body fit and in good shape is a great way to ensure that your mind stays active and alert. I have a small gym set up at my home, where I spend almost an hour every morning. This habit also lets me enjoy the sunrise and take in the unpolluted Vitamin D my body needs.

What brands do you represent on Limitless? What do you love about the brand?

Currently I answer [for] Xbox support and I love them because I know the problems and stress a gamer feels when something is not going good with them. When they play, they release their stress, which they got from a whole day. So, helping them and removing their issues is what makes me feel good.

What do you love about being an Xbox Expert on Limitless?

I truly enjoy being a technical expert because it allows me to indulge my passion for problem-solving and creativity. The world of technology is constantly evolving, presenting new challenges that require innovative solutions. This keeps me engaged and motivated to learn and adapt. Being able to dive deep into complex technical issues and come up with effective solutions is incredibly rewarding.

Moreover, I find great satisfaction in sharing my knowledge with others, whether it's through mentoring, collaborating on projects, or helping colleagues understand intricate technical concepts. The ability to contribute to meaningful projects and make a positive impact on the way we interact with technology is what makes being a technical expert so fulfilling for me.

How are you planning to spend your earnings?

If I were fortunate enough to earn any amount of money, I would prioritize saving and investing for my future. I believe in making well-informed financial decisions to ensure long-term stability and security. Additionally, I would consider allocating a portion of my earnings to experiences that bring me joy and personal growth, such as traveling, learning new skills, and giving back to the community through charitable donations.

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